
Download the PuriFi app to see your minute-by-minute indoor air quality and track your PuriFi air and surface purification system from any smartphone, tablet, or voice assistant device. In-room Sensors measure particulates down to 0.3 microns in size, including PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, reporting the results every 90 seconds. With the PuriFi app, you can view each Sensor installed and its particulate count in real-time. When the Sensor detects particulate levels are too high based on user-determined thresholds, the PuriFi Generator immediately responds to changes with our patented Airborne Molecular Purification (AMP) technology. The app shows the system operating until the Sensor verifies the air is purified and within your target air quality level, confirming the system’s performance. The PuriFi app also averages PM2.5 and PM10 pollutant concentrations in the occupied spaces and calculates your instant indoor air quality index (I-AQI). Reference your indoor I-AQI in the app and compare it with your outdoor AQI accessible in the air quality data of most weather apps.

Know your indoor air quality in real-time. Download the PuriFi app to see your minute-by-minute indoor air quality and track your PuriFi air and surface purification system from any smartphone, tablet, or voice assistant device. In-room Sensors measure particulates down to 0.3 microns in size, including PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, reporting the results every 90 seconds. With the PuriFi app, you can view each Sensor installed and its particulate count in real-time. When the Sensor detects particulate levels are too high based on user-determined thresholds, the PuriFi Generator immediately responds to changes with our patented Airborne Molecular Purification (AMP) technology. The app shows the system operating until the Sensor verifies the air is purified and within your target air quality level, confirming the system’s performance. The PuriFi app also averages PM2.5 and PM10 pollutant concentrations in the occupied spaces and calculates your instant indoor air quality index (I-AQI). Reference your indoor I-AQI in the app and compare it with your outdoor AQI accessible in the air quality data of most weather apps.

PuriFi Mobile Analytics and Insights Quick Facts

■ Track your system from any smartphone, tablet, or voice
assistant device

■ View each Sensor installed and its particulate count in

■ Reference your instant indoor air quality index (I-AQI)

■ See your user-determined thresholds and Generator

■ Download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play

 PuriFi Airborne Molecular Purification (AMP) Technology

■ A whole-building air and surface purification technology

■ Neutralizes up to 99.99% of tested viruses, allergens, odors,
and bacteria in occupied environments*

■ Actively works with your central HVAC system

■ Generates a high-volume blend of natural, long-life, molecular
ions that continuously purify the air and surfaces in the
occupied space

■ Provides 24/7 control of your indoor environment